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Cataloxy San Rafael...Companies in San RafaelBusiness ServicesServices to businessesLogistics servicesHongkew Investment Management Corp.

Hongkew Investment Management Corp.

Cablik Enterprises

Facilities Support Management Services The Registered agent of Hongkew Investment Management Corp. is Lawrence Mannin Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Cablik Enterprises was founded by local Atlantan Alan Cablik, and our firm has strong roots in the Atlanta metro community and the professional community. Alan has personally witnessed the changes in the construction and real estate landscape over the past generation, and understands the city?s past, present, and future of the built environment. It is with this vision that Cablik Enterprises was created.
Cablik Enterprises has a firm commitment to build sustainably. We have been a leader in sustainability in the built environment since the company?s inception and we do so by choosing projects which contribute to the Atlanta area in positive manner. The majority of our projects have been in established intown Atlanta neighborhoods; we believe this business model helps to maintain the sustainability of Atlanta since it prevents the urban sprawl that results from development in the outer suburbs. We also work successfully with many local jurisdictions including the City of Atlanta, making Cablik Enterprises a preferred Atlanta contractor.
Cablik employs professionals with a variety of backgrounds.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Hongkew Investment Management Corp. in San Rafael you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Phone: no specified
 Address: 900 5th Ave Ste 201
94901, San Rafael, California

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